Air plants Maintain Ideas
Of course, these fun and trendy plants don't need soil, but they still need a little attention. Here's what you need to know to keep them thriving.
Air plants seem almost otherworldly in the way they can grow in the air. Yes, no soil is required. Additionally, their leaves resemble alien tentacles or the appendages of an exotic sea creature. These fascinating little plants have become so popular over the past few years that they can be found at any garden center or grocery store checkout line. There are plenty of online nurseries that specialize in air plants, especially the more unusual varieties. They're a little different from growing than other houseplants, so we've compiled some tips for caring for air plants and enjoying them in your home.
About air plants
Air plants (Tillandsia spp.) are epiphytes, meaning that in nature they grow on other plants, usually on tree branches. There are hundreds of varieties and varieties of air plants. They typically have strap-shaped or thin triangular leaves that grow in a rosette shape, with new growth emerging from the center. Silver-leaved ones are very drought tolerant; Green varieties dry out faster. You can also find colorful species such as Tillandsia maxima, which have coral leaves. Most species produce attractive, tubular, or funnel-shaped flowers.
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Air plant care
Don't let the lack of soil scare you. Caring for air plants is easy once you know what they need. You don't have to worry about potting them, but like other houseplants, they still need a certain amount of water, light, and the right temperature. You know an air plant is getting what it needs when it sends out flowers. Once the flower has dried, cut it off and your air plant will continue to grow and eventually produce more flowers.
Watering air plants
Air plants do not have roots like other plants; Some of them are just short enough to help keep them on any surface. In native habitats throughout the southern United States, Mexico, Central, and South America, air plants get what they need from high humidity and abundant rainfall. At home, you should water your air plants once a week. Some varieties can go for two weeks without water. Monitor your plants to determine when they seem to need a drink.
To water, place them in a sink or small jar with enough water to submerge your plants. Let them soak for about half an hour, then give them a gentle shake to get some of the water out before turning them upside down on a towel. Once they are dry, return them to their designated place. You can mist them daily to keep them fresh between showers, especially in the winter when humidity in our homes is low.
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Wind plant light requirements
As a general rule, keep your air plants out of direct sunlight. Remember, in the wild, many air plant species prefer to grow in sheltered, shady tree canopies. They do best if they can be placed in a spot that is out of direct sunlight. D. Cyania orT. lindenii can handle some light shade or less intense morning sunlight.
Air plant temperature requirements
Air plants love warm weather, so this is the other end of the thermometer you should be looking at. Protect your plants from chilling above 45 degrees; At that temperature, they die. If you live in zone 9 or warmer, you can grow an air plant outdoors year-round if kept dry in the winter.
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Styling air plants
All air plants are beautiful individually or in groups where you can display several varieties together. You can place them in landscapes to create your own exciting displays, or attach them to anything from magnets to driftwood – just use a little hot glue or translucent fishing line to secure them. Tillandsia species make excellent companions on a branch with orchids because they prefer essentially the same conditions. You can also find glass or plastic globes made just for hanging them. Try using a container that complements or contrasts their hues for varieties with colorful leaves, such as Tillandsia amaranthus 'Amethyst', also known as the rosy air plant.
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Since they don't need to grow in soil, air plants can be displayed in any way you can dream up. Try using them as an air plant garland, a hanging mobile, or as a beach-themed landscape that evokes an affinity for octopus. Without much effort on your part, these plants can add fun, unique greenery to any space.
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