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11 Succulents That'll Grow Without Bright Light

 Low light Succulents 

Even in a home with limited natural light, you can keep plants, including succulents. There are many low-light succulents that can grow without bright light. They may not thrive or grow as easily as partial or bright light, but they are available. Most succulents are drought tolerant, which means you don't need to water as often, so they're fairly easy to care for once you learn their needs.

Can succulents grow in low light?

Succulents can grow in low light, although they will not grow as well as in bright, indirect light. They cannot grow in complete darkness, so try to find at least a partially shaded spot. They may start to grow a little leggy as they seek sun, but you can prune and propagate to adjust their appearance.

1. Desert rose

The thick, fleshy leaves of this succulent retain water, so you don't need to water as often. The desert rose gets its name from its habitat and its resemblance to a rose.

2. Aloe Vera

When someone says aloe vera, most people think of the cold gel you rub on the sun. That gel actually comes from the leaves of this plant. The leaves can grow very thick, break off, and the gel is used to treat burns. It does well in low light, although if you want to grow bigger, you need to give it some light.

3. African milk tree

Although this plant is called a tree, it is actually a succulent plant. The sap is toxic, so wear gloves and wash your hands afterwards. 1 The stem of the African milk tree resembles a cactus, while the small teardrop-shaped leaves are succulent.

4. Burro’s Tail

Burrow's tail gets its name from the long, thick, drooping leaves. Some say it resembles a donkey's tail, another common name for it. This plant is sensitive to overwatering, so allow the soil to dry completely between waterings to avoid the leaves becoming soft.

5. Bear Paw

A bear's paw, if given what it needs, will bear orange blossoms in the spring. Unfortunately if you keep this plant in a shady spot, you won't see them; However, the small green leaves with red spots are beautiful enough to enjoy on their own.

6. Cylindrical snake plant

It's a great plant for beginners because it's easy to care for and really only needs to be watered once a month. If you use too much water, the plant may be shocked. It differs from other snake plants in that its leaves are cylindrical rather than flat.

7. Jade plant

The jade plant, said to bring good luck to its owners, has thick, woody stems and plump, green, shiny leaves. Because of how plump (water-filled) the leaves are, you won't need to give this plant a lot of water.

8. Christmas cactus

This beautiful plant rewards you with flowers when properly cared for. Water when the top 2 inches of soil is dry and place in partial shade so the bright colors don't fade. In the right climate, this plant can be moved outside during the summer months.

9. Ox Tongue

This unique plant gets its name from its long, stiff, tongue-like leaves. Oxtongue will produce flowers even when fully matured.

10. String of hearts

This delicate trailing succulent has beautiful heart-shaped foliage. Vines can grow very long and drape over curtains or shelves. Raise it as high as you can and watch the hearts fall to the floor.

11. Zebra plant

This beautiful plant gets its name from its white and green striped spotted leaves. This is a very interesting plant that can adapt to any growing conditions, making it a great choice for any low light area.


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