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It's not a yellow ladybug - it's an invasive Asian lady beetle

It's not a yellow ladybug

They are similar, but one type helps control unwanted pests in the garden, while the other is a pest. Here's how to tell them apart. You usually want to see a ladybug in your garden, but the yellow ladybug doesn't look like one — it's an Asian beetle. Ladybugs are beneficial to your garden because they eat plant pests. However, many colored Asian beetles look like yellow ladybugs, but have turned out to be an insect.

It is common to find large numbers of Asian lady beetles congregating in houses and other buildings in the fall. They can bite and emit an unpleasant odor when disturbed. Unfortunately, these invasive insects crowd out native ladybugs. If you can tell the difference between two pests, you can stop an annoying problem before it starts.

Asian Lady Beetles vs Ladybugs

You can identify a ladybug by its markings and size. There are many species, and most sport red shells and varying numbers of black spots. Their heads are black with small white "cheeks". Ladybugs are generally rounder and smaller than Asian lady beetles if you look at them side by side. Asian female beetles have larger white "cheek" markings and more white on their heads overall. A surefire way to tell the difference between an Asian lady beetle and a ladybug is to look where the head meets the wings. If the bug in question has a black 'M' mark on the spot, that's a sign you're dealing with an invasive species. Asian lady beetle shell color can range from pale orange to bright red, so most have a ladybug-like coloration.

Asian lady beetles, which sometimes resemble yellow ladybugs, can sneak into your home through cracks or holes when it's cold outside. Ladybugs don't do that. Light attracts insects, so they often congregate on the south side of the building, around door frames and windows. They bite the skin they land on, which feels like a prick, but doesn't cause any real damage. When threatened, Asian beetles emit a foul-smelling yellow substance that can stain surfaces and trigger allergic reactions. Although it is uncommon, Asian lady beetles can infect dogs' mouths. If a dog picks up a few bugs, the bugs can attach themselves to the roof of your pet's mouth. This doesn't always mean a trip to the emergency vet, although beetles usually need to be culled. However, if swallowed, the insects can irritate a dog's gastrointestinal tract and, in extreme cases, be fatal. So keep your pets away from Asian lady beetles and check their mouths from time to time.

How to Control Asian Lady Beetles

The best way to keep Asian lady beetles out of your home is to seal and tape potential entry points. Additionally, seal any gaps around windows, doors and siding to reduce the risk. The good news is that if they enter your home, Asian lady beetles will not breed indoors and will leave in the spring.

To safely remove Asian lady beetles from your home:

Empty the vacuum when you're done. Put them in a sealed bag before throwing them in the trash so they can't crawl out.

Avoid using pesticides because, apart from exposing yourself to toxic chemicals, a large number of dead beetles on your walls can attract other pests.

Sticky glue traps that are out of the reach of small children and pets are a safer option for very small infestations.

Outdoors, areas where beetles commonly congregate can be swept with a broom or sprayed with strong water from a power washer or hose. Then wipe the area with soapy water; Insects often don't return because the soapy smell overpowers the pheromones that attract more beetles to the area.

More pest control tips

Don't let indoor or outdoor pests destroy your garden or infest your home. Indoor stink bugs can be found gathering in large numbers inside, and as their name suggests, they don't smell good. Japanese beetles will make your garden their personal dining spot, so get a recipe for a natural insecticide to keep them at bay. Like Japanese beetles, aphids can suck the life out of your plants, so get rid of these invaders as soon as possible.


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