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Most Colorful Houseplants

 The most colorful houseplants you'll ever love

No matter what your interior designs are, adding houseplants is an absolute must. Not only do they bring green space to your home, but there are also some that can purify indoor air. To help you add colors and hues to your home for a more varied and unique look, this post will share the 6 most colorful houseplants you'll love today. Those who want to break the sea of green. Each has its own charm to bring practicality to any room, even a dimly lit room. Also, they are easy to grow with minimal care, making them a perfect choice for those without much gardening experience.

1 African mask plant

The African mask plant is a beautiful houseplant with a tropical vibe. It is also known as Elephant's Ear. It displays massive, hard leaves with silvery veins. If you want to grow this plant, give it plenty of moisture for optimal growth.

2 Calathea

Also known as the prayer plant, this Calathea has great beauty with leaves that are often dark green with a purple or maroon tinge. In addition, each leaf usually has geometric and abstract patterns.

3 Peperomia

Peperomia is an excellent choice with colorful leaf varieties such as yellow, green, burgundy, and purple. This plant is easy to grow and requires moderate light and moist soil, but not too much water.

4 Tradescantia

Tradescantia is also known as Wandering Jew, this plant grows easily in any position with a little care. They display white and green striped leaves with purple undersides, but there are also striped pink and purple versions depending on the variety. It thrives when planted in hanging baskets with bright indirect sunlight. Just cut off a piece and place it in water, then you can easily propagate it by watching the roots grow.

5 Croton

Croton is a popular plant that grows well indoors and outdoors to brighten up any room and enhance your landscape. This tropical plant often offers vibrant green, orange, and yellow leaves. For best growth, it needs warm temperatures and extra moisture and prefers to grow in full sun and moist soil.

6 Nerve Plant

The Nerve Plant has a compact character that makes it great for placing on tabletops and windowsills. There are many varieties you can choose to grow. Be sure to keep it in light and high humidity.

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