5 secrets to growing carrots in containers
Carrots are not an easy vegetable to grow. It takes loose, rock-free soil that is well-drained and fluffy to better harvest roots. If we recommend you to grow carrots in containers, rather than sowing seeds in the soil - what will happen next on earth? Choosing to use containers in backyards that are more dedicated to playing and ornamental plants than to food-producing lands may also be helpful.
Container gardens can complement your garden, allowing you to try new varieties, while also keeping some plants separate for seed storage. Planting in pots gives you the flexibility to plant next to a sustainable harvest.
1 - Selecting the right carrot varieties for the container garden
Some varieties of carrots can reach a depth of 12, while others do not grow almost as long. If you choose to grow carrots in containers, you will have good luck growing small varieties at 6-7. Benefits of Growing Small Varieties? You will need very little pot soil, which will save you some money ... you can spend more on garden plants. You can also use a shallow pot. In addition, you can grow obscure varieties that you will not find in the store, such as Globe carrots.
2 - Finding the best soil for carrots grown in a container
Outside of the unknown magic fertilizer mixture, the best secret in growing any garden crop is the quality of the land on which the plants are grown. In a regular garden, whatever you have - sand, rock, heavy clay, fertile humus, whatever kind of soil is in your backyard. However, as you grow raised beds and containers, you have the opportunity to improve your harvest with your own hands. Carrots, you may have found the hard way, are like good smooth soil that extends one foot below the surface of the ground. They have no rocks to turn around, or heavy wet clay to sit on. Carrots thrive only in simple, loose, and well-drained soil. That is if you have straight roots in your mind.
3 - Choosing the right containers for gardening
Now, do you have an idea about the types of carrots and suitable potting media, what would the pots and containers for growing those carrots look like? The key here is to find containers deep enough for the roots to grow downwards. Larger pots and containers will better retain water that holds more potting soil. This, in turn, means less work for you to irrigate. If you are carrying a watering can and filling it less often, your shoulders will be fine. Carrots can be grown in clay pots, plastic 5-gallon buckets, metal containers, and everything including cloth grow bags. So, there is really no reason not to grow carrots in your backyard or on your deck.
4 - Water your carrots
Consistency is important. Carrots are not plants that you can water when you want or when you have time. They should be given a constant supply of at least one inch of water per week.
However, as your carrot matures, it may need more. There may even be 2 ″ water per week. But, it is a recommendation for carrots planted in the ground.
5 - Make your carrots thinner
Just like carrots grown in the garden should be thinner than carrots grown in your container.
Due to the small size of the carrot seeds and the uniform germination rate, you will often find that they are planted very close together. If so, they should be as thin as possible. To do this: Pinch the small plant at the soil level and pull firmly to remove the entire root. Be sure to pat the soil around the remaining carrots so as not to leave air space around the taproots.
Starting when the greens reach a height of about 4, always remove the small plants first. After a month, thin the rest at 1.5 ″ to 2.