Easy ways to increase your cucumber yield
Surprisingly, the most effective methods to increase yields are retail cost-effective or completely free. After all, in essence, everything depends on fertile soil, natural food, and timely, adequate irrigation. 5 effective methods to increase the yield of cucumbers are discussed below.
1 - Proper planting
As practice has shown, planting cucumbers on a nettle "pillow" significantly increases the yield - sometimes 2-3 times! To do this, dig a 20 cm trench, place the finely chopped nettles on the bottom with a 10 cm layer, sprinkle with earth, sow the seeds on top or plant the seedlings, and finally cover with foil. This nettle "pillow" gradually rots, releasing heat and growing cucumbers with essential nutrients.
2 - Cop dressing with "green" manure and ash
After the first 4 leaves of cucumber appear, it is necessary to start the "green" diet. To do this, place the nettles and other weeds up to half the size of the barrel, add 2 liters of ash, and pour water on top. Insist for a week. Cucumbers should be given in the following quantities: 1 liter of green manure + 1 liter of water. Cucumbers should be well watered before fertilizing. Also, for prevention, you can periodically wipe the ground around the bush with ash.
3 - Spraying with boric acid
To set the best fruits during flowering, cucumbers should be sprayed with boric acid: for this, 0.5 tbsp of acid is taken in 10 liters of warm water.
4 - Irrigation with soda
Gardeners are well aware that soda is an irreplaceable helper in the garden. Soda protects cucumbers from disease, prevents yellowing of leaves, allows lashes to renew quickly. Cucumbers should be watered 3 times a season. For 10 liters of water, take 2 teaspoons of ordinary baking soda. The first time should take root in the first decade of July, the second time - in late July, the third time - in mid-August.
5 - Hilling stems
This method allows cucumbers to renew their leaves and stems, and adds extra roots. To do this, the lower part of the cucumber stalks should be cut to the ground, tied up, and lightly sprinkled with earth. The stem in the ground grows very quickly with new roots and begins to grow sharply. Renewed lashes in this way will give higher yields and fruiting is extended to another month.
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