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10 The most common potato diseases and pests

 The most common potato diseases and pests, some ways to get rid of them

Your potato is having some problems and you are on track to find a way out. Look no further, you are reading the correct post. Perhaps this vegetable is the most common potato plant that fights pests and diseases. Like other plants, potatoes are susceptible to a variety of pests and diseases, including growth problems, shedding, or even death of your plants. We have listed the 14 most common potato diseases and pests and you should know some ways to get rid of them.

Potatoes are one of the most popular vegetables and they easily get some problems that affect the yield. All plants are susceptible to a variety of diseases and pests and potatoes are no exception. Therefore, in order to harvest high yields and quality, you need to look for common potato pests and diseases as soon as possible. These are common problems that every potato gardener experiences when growing. After reading this information, we hope you find it useful.

1 Bacterial ring rot

The disease is a bacterial disease that causes wilted stems and leaves to form creamy yellow rings, which turn into brown rotting spots inside the tubers. You need to plant certified seed potatoes.

2 blackleg

Blackleg is called soft rot. You should use disease-free seed potatoes and use smart cultural practices such as crop rotation, removal of infected plants, cleaning of plant debris, and excessive watering.

3 Common scope

Common scab is a bacterium that causes superior, brown lesions with a peculiar, corky structure on the tubers. The use of disease-free seed potatoes and the implementation of crop rotation and keeping the soil in a low pH range can help prevent common scabies.

4 potato leaf roll

When the potato leaf curls the young leaves roll and turn yellow or pink, this viral disease causes stunted growth of the plants. Always remove and destroy infected plants and tubers to prevent the spread of this virus throughout your garden.

5 Potato Early Blight

The leaves of the early blight of the potato become necrotic, and in potatoes, dark, dry wounds can be seen on the tubers. Use protective fungicides to reduce symptoms or fertilize and water your plants properly to reduce stress.

6 Verticillium wilt

Verticillium wilt causes the early death of plants.

7 Potatoes Late Blight

Potatoes lead to various symptoms of late blight, such as brown sores in irregular shape on the leaves when wet. Affected tubers should be destroyed and multiple applications of fungicides should be used to help slow the spread of the disease.

8 European corn borer

When the insects enter the stem, they insert the entrance and begin the tunnel, eventually, the stems die. Be sure to inspect the base of the plant and remove any stems that may be involved. Adults can use pheromone traps to catch them before they lay eggs.

9 cutworms

Young potato plants are susceptible to soil-borne nematodes. The moths eat the plants at the soil level and destroy the plants in a short time. They are very active at night, so you should go to the garden in the evening to find these pests.

10 flea beetles

Flea beetles cause small holes or teeth in the leaves. A flea beetle infection slows plant growth and even kills plants. You can use Diatomaceous earth and neem oil applications to effectively control these pests.

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