It's not a yellow ladybug They are similar, but one type helps control unwanted pests in the garden, while the other is a pest. Here's how to tell them apart. You usually want to see a ladybug in your garden, but the yellow ladybug doesn't look like one — it's an Asian beetle. Ladybugs are beneficial to your garden because they eat plant pests. However, many colored Asian beetles look like yellow ladybugs, but have turned out to be an insect. It is common to find large numbers of Asian lady beetles congregating in houses and other buildings in the fall. They can bite and emit an unpleasant odor when disturbed. Unfortunately, these invasive insects crowd out native ladybugs. If you can tell the difference between two pests, you can stop an annoying problem before it starts. Asian Lady Beetles vs Ladybugs You can identify a ladybug by its markings and size. There are many species, and most sport red shells and varying numbers of black spots. Their heads are b...
landscaping and gardening , farming , pest and diseases and Home gardening tips