Butterfly weed growing tips and butterfly weed varieties Gardeners who want to see butterflies in their gardens will plant Asclepias tuberosa (Asclepias tuberosa) for its yellow, orange, and red flowers and its green, narrow leaves from late spring to late summer. Native to the entire Midwest, across eastern North America, and the southern Rocky Mountains, butterfly weed grows in medium to dry grasslands and other open areas on gravelly or sandy soils. Some strains grow in clay, although most prefer well-drained soil. This perennial attracts pollinators and offers the desirable features of deer resistance and low maintenance. If you're lucky, monarch butterflies will find your plants and lay eggs on the leaves. The caterpillars (larvae) hatch and the developing larvae eat the leaves. After about two weeks, the fully developed caterpillar attaches itself to the plant and begins the metamorphosis process to become a chrysalis, from which the Monarch butterfly emerges. T...
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