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How to Fix 10 Common Houseplant Problems

Common Houseplant Problems

One of the most frustrating things about houseplants is when a normally healthy plant starts to look sickly—perhaps it's wilting, shedding its leaves, turning yellow, or worse—and you're not sure why. You might think it's game over, but small maintenance changes can solve many plant problems. Revive your houseplant from weak growth, brown leaf tips, fertilizer burn, and more by learning how to tell if you're underwatering, overwatering, or not getting enough light for your plant.

Here's how to deal with 10 common houseplant problems so you can enjoy your lush, happy indoor jungle again.

1. Problem: Stretching

If your houseplant starts to get leggy and awkwardly tall, or if it has spindly, weak stems pointing toward the light source, it's trying to tell you it needs more light. Move it closer to a window or move it to another window that gets more light. South-facing windows are the brightest, north-facing windows provide the least amount of light, and east- and west-facing windows fall somewhere in between. Rotate your plants so that all sides of the plant have equal access to the sun and prevent the houseplant problem of drooping growth. If you still can't find the perfect spot for the plant, invest in a grow light to make sure it gets what it needs.

2. Problem: Curling of leaves

Abnormal growth patterns are a common sign of disease or pest presence. If you see curled or deformed leaves, take a closer look - you may be looking for insects or other signs of pests. If you see black spots or fuzzy white spots, it could be a disease. Use your fingers to squish the bugs or treat your plant with neem oil. If your plant has a disease, remove affected areas to prevent further spread.

3. Problem: Brown leaf tips

If your houseplant problem has brown tips on its leaves, it may indicate one of the following problems:

Irregular watering: This doesn't mean you have to constantly water your houseplants at 9 a.m. on a Tuesday. Instead, water a plant only when it really needs it. Even if your plant can tolerate frequent watering, try not to water it for weeks at a time, then surprise it with a well-intentioned deluge. When you water, make sure the water drains through the drainage holes so it either a) sits in the pot or b) only reaches the top of the plant.

High salt: This can be caused by excessive fertilization or salts from treated tap water. Either rinse with water until the soil runs clear or repot your plant in a fresh potting mix. Then, try to go easy on the compost and water it with distilled water.

Low humidity: Many houseplants are tropical in origin. If the air in your home or apartment is dry, place a humidifier nearby.

4. Problem: Yellow leaves

If your plant only has one or two yellow leaves, it's not serious—pluck them off and your plant should be fine. Excessive yellow leaves, however, can be a sign of a more significant problem. Overwatering kills houseplants just as often (if not more) than underwatering. Although exact requirements vary by plant, a good rule of thumb is to water when the soil feels 1/2 to 1 inch dry. And most houseplants shouldn't sit in water because constantly wet soil leads to root rot. To avoid this problem, use only containers with drainage holes and empty water from the saucers below them.

Yellowing leaves throughout the plant can also be a sign of too little light. Try to move the plant to a brighter place.

5. Problem: Dropping leaves

Do you constantly pick leaves off the ground as you walk by your plant? Some plants, such as ficus, are sensitive to a change in location and show it by dropping their leaves. As long as the growing conditions in the new location are better, it should grow new leaves after it settles. Leaf shedding can also indicate low light if you haven't moved your plant recently.

6. Problem: Pale or burnt leaves

Just like humans, your plant will burn in the sun. Pale or white leaves are usually the result of too much light. Fortunately, this is easily remedied by moving your plant out of direct sunlight or to a window that receives less intense light. Burning of compost results in leaf burn. Use less fertilizer or switch to distilled water, as salts from softened tap water can build up in the soil.

7. Problem: Leaf fall

Diagnosing plant problem blight is challenging; Sometimes, it may be too late to save your plant. It can be caused by overwatering, overwatering, poorly draining soil, heat stress, disease, or lack of moisture. You can try to bring your plant back from the brink by checking soil moisture or dryness and adjusting watering habits accordingly, lowering temperatures, repotting in better soil, or misting to improve moisture.

8. Problem: Spotted leaves

Spots on leaves are often caused by plant disease. You can save the plant by improving air circulation so that it dries out quickly between waterings and removing diseased leaves. Throw away diseased plant material so it doesn't spread to other plants. To prevent disease, give plants enough room to grow, remove dead leaves promptly, and constantly water the base of the plant.

9. Problem: Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is a fungal infection that affects many plants. Mildew is more prone to develop in still-humid conditions, so increasing ventilation around the affected plant can also help. Remove severely affected leaves while controlling the problem.

10. Problem: Nonabsorbent soil

If you're sure you're giving a plant too much water and it's not root-bound (two common causes of plants drying out), your houseplant problem may be a problem with your soil. Many potting soils use peat, which holds water well when moistened but is difficult to wet thoroughly the first time. Even if it has been well-moistened in the past, if you leave the plant unwatered while on vacation or forget to water regularly, the soil can dry out to the point where it is difficult to rehydrate.

Small pots can be submerged in warm water to re-moisten the peat in the soil. It is more challenging to do it in large pots. Many nurseries sell plant-safe surfactants (wetting agents). Follow the directions on the bottle to amend your soil.


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