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Flowers - Easy Begonia Care Tips

Are Begonias Perennials or Annuals?

Begonias are a diverse group of plants. Like a great big family with all kinds of personalities and occupations, some begonias are right at home in sunny porch pots, others grow well in the ground as bedding plants, and still, others thrive indoors as long-term houseplants. Some members of the begonia family are demanding, and in particular—rex begonias are a good example; They grow best indoors, protected from wind and other harsh conditions—other begonias have a flowing growing style, like hybrid bedding types. The following tips will help you get the most from all the begonias in your garden beds and containers.

Begonias vs. annuals

Botanically speaking, an annual plant completes its life cycle (from seed to seed) in one growing season before dying naturally. Plants that survive the winter in the landscape, flower, and grow every year, are called perennials. Many plants native to tropical regions, such as most begonias, can live for many years but are often considered annuals because they cannot survive freezing winters outdoors. However, if you bring frost-tender begonias indoors, they will continue to grow, so they're not technically annuals. Annual plants die naturally after a year or less of growth.

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Then there is the hardy begonia (Begonia grandis). This type of begonia is an annual repeat in USDA hardiness zones 6-9. Unfortunately, gardeners in zones 5 and cooler don't have a perennial begonia option that can survive outdoors. Hardy begonias cannot survive very cold winter temperatures in these areas.

How to Grow Hardy Begonias

Perfect for planting in a shade garden, hardy begonias produce 2- to 3-foot tall glossy green leaves. Popular with pollinators, hardy begonias produce clusters of pink flowers beginning in mid-summer and continuing into fall. Hardy begonia, like most begonias, thrives in moist, organically rich, well-drained soil. Grow it in part to full shade. Unlike many plants, it can grow in deep shade, but it will produce fewer flowers.

Once it's established, hardy begonia is a perennial plant that will tolerate some drought but will grow well when it's well watered. Otherwise, this plant benefits from a 2-inch layer of compost on its soil in the spring, which provides nutrients and helps the soil retain moisture. Deadhead wilted flowers to encourage repeat blooming.

Hardy begonias are good naturalists, meaning they spread slowly and form a small colony in a couple of years. It propagates by forming small nodules on the tips of its stems in autumn. The bulbs fall to the ground and grow into new plants the following spring. Easy to keep within borders if necessary, small new plants can be removed with a spade or garden trowel.

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What to plant with hardy begonias

Combine hardy begonias with spring-blooming bulbs. One of the last plants to emerge in spring, hardy begonias appear well after the bulbs bloom. This slow-spreading plant creates a carpet of color and texture that helps the dying bulb fade into the foliage.

Shade-tolerant shrubs such as azaleas and rhododendrons are good planting partners for hardy begonias. These types of shrubs require little care other than watering during dry periods. To create a nearly maintenance-free landscape bed, spread a 2-inch layer of shredded bark mulch around shrubs and hardy begonias in early summer.

5 Garden Begonia Care Tips

Hybrid garden begonia varieties sold as container and bedding plants are grown as one-season wonders (they technically live for more than a year). They provide lush foliage and instant color from late spring through fall. In frozen regions, these plants die as soon as cold weather sets in. Maximize your enjoyment of these colorful plants with these basic growing tips.

1. Consider pot size

Popular hybrid begonias such as the 'Dragon Wing' series and the 'Big' series are fast growing. Plant large hybrids in containers at least 18 inches in diameter so they have plenty of room to develop arching, flowering stems.

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2. Water regularly

Allow the soil surface to dry to the touch between waterings. If the soil feels dry, water the plants deeply. If not, check back the next day. Begonias grown in shade need to be watered less frequently than those grown in full sun.

3. Pay attention to sun or shade preference

Enjoy begonias in sun or shade. For decades, begonias were primarily shaded plants. Plant breeders have developed new varieties of hybrid begonias and wax begonias in recent years that tolerate direct sun. For example, on a sunny patio, you can plant containers of 'Dragon Wing' begonias for stunning, summer color. Check the plant tags before buying to make sure you're choosing the best type of begonias for the light conditions you have.

4. Add a slow-release fertilizer

Begonias do not need a lot of nutrients to bloom well. Add a slow-release fertilizer to the soil mix at planting time to keep them blooming all summer. Follow package directions to avoid overdoing which could burn the plants.

5. Extend the season

Begonias are sensitive to cold temperatures; Temperatures near freezing will turn begonia leaves black. Cover plants to prevent a shortened blooming season. When temperatures below 40℉ threaten in the fall, cover potted plants with a blanket and place the blanket under the container to keep cold air away from the plant. Cold blasts in early autumn are often followed by warm days. A little effort to protect plants can extend the growing season by a week or two.

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Begonia Types

Angel Wing: Also known as Cane Begonia, this variety has long stems with "joints." As the name suggests, the leaves look like angel wings.

Rex: Rex begonias are in a class of their own entirely. They are rhizomes, meaning they usually grow horizontally and with compressed stems. Commonly grown as houseplants for their foliage, they are also known as painted leaves or fancy leaf begonias.

Rieger: This type of begonia blooms in winter and requires cool temperatures and short days to bloom.

Begonia varieties

The wide variety within the three genera makes these plants so popular. They can be used in almost any garden. Large varieties are ideal for landscaping and create a dramatic effect when planted in bulk. Small varieties are best suited for container gardens and won't crowd out your other plants. Some begonias have single flowers with only one row of petals, while others have double flowers with multiple rows of petals. There's a begonia with the perfect look for any spot in your garden.

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