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Showing posts from May, 2022

7 Reasons to Plant More Trees in Your Garden

Plant More Trees in Your Garden Once you know why you need more trees in your life and in your garden, the “how” will come automatically. As it turns out, you need to realize the reason for planting more trees. One and several plants will follow. Maybe you can crush some more shrubs, bushes, or small trees with a hedgehog. Or you can go with a backyard orchard with many fruits. An added benefit to a tree world. Plant what works for you in your growing rigidity zone and personal space. 1. Diversity in tree species The trees are truly incredible! They can mature and die in your life or live for hundreds and thousands of years. No matter how long they have been around, you need to know that there are many native species to choose from. To find out what is native to your area, do some research and select the appropriate book to identify the trees in your area. 2. Plant trees to encourage rewilding Planting trees for us and fulfilling our needs is one thing. But what about the b...

Why are my vegetables not growing?

10 Mistakes You Make in the Vegetable Garden Many of us set out to grow vegetables with lots of baskets of ruby ​​red tomatoes and plump pitchers and excellent cucumbers and crunchy carrots collected straight from the garden into the salad bowl. Growing food is a worthy goal by any measure, but disappointments are very common. See if your vegetable garden fails because of these common mistakes. 1. Getting started without a plan Many of us start a vegetable garden on a sudden impulse. Triggers may be an article about the dangers of GMO foods or foods rich in pesticides. Tasting a housewife at a friend's house or tasting a tomato plant that blossomed among your flowers and yielded lots of tomatoes can induce you to start a vegetable patch without your attention. But starting a garden without proper planning and preparation is like building a house without a blueprint. Vegetable gardening is much needed. Know your limitations, such as the time, effort, inputs, and locatio...

5 ways to deter possums from your garden

Deter possums from your garden Aren't possums beautiful little animals? If you are a gardener, they will eat your favorite plants, knock out pots, leave debris, and usually cause chaos. When it comes to your vegetable attachment, affection is a relentless pest. According to The 1-minute Gardener book, the best solution is not to go crazy, but to be equal. Here are 5 simple ways to prevent psoriasis and their ways. What do poses eat? The natural food of pumpkins is gumtree leaves, but they are also known for their fresh plant growth, fruit on fruit trees, and many flowers such as camellias, roses , gardenia, and fuchsias. And often snack on native and exotic garden plants, so it is important not to overcook your garden. ➤   3 Causes of white spots on tomato leaves ➤    Best way to compost hanging baskets ➤  5 Put in your vegetable planting holes 5 Ways to Prevent Fungi in Your Garden Brew tea Instead of hiding your precious plants every night before t...

5 Put in your vegetable planting holes

 Soil corrections to put in your vegetable planting holes It's time to plant those seedlings in the garden. Whether you’ve been growing them yourself for the past few months or picking up some starter bags at a local nursery, now is the time to get them on the ground. Adding soil corrections directly to the hole where you will place your seedlings has many benefits that will last until the time the garden closes in the fall. Edit planting holes: ✔ Provide immediate fertilizer incentives for new transplants, allowing them to be installed quickly ✔ Prevent or reduce alternative trauma quickly ✔ Protect against certain pests and diseases ✔ Adjust the pH problems of the soil where your plant grows ✔ The plants are more drought tolerant ✔ Apply slow-releasing fertilizer where the plant needs it most ✔ Plants absorb nutrients in the soil easily and make them easily available ✔ Adjust foot seedlings 1. Compost As I mentioned above, compost is the soil correction that everyone ...

Grow and Maintain Triostar

 How to Grow and Maintain Triostar Stromanthe With clear pale lines, Triostar stromante (also known as stromante sanguinea or stromante thalia, tricolor stromante) is one of the best ways to add color and dreamy tropical vibes to your space. These full, vibrant plants can grow to two to three feet tall and one to two feet in maturity with proper care. Native to the jungles of Brazil, this evergreen plant has delicate pointed green leaves sprinkled with light green, cream, and pink, and the bottom is deep pink, maroon, or magenta. As a member of the prayer plant family with marantas and calatheas, your triostar stromante naturally folds its leaves at night and shows the base of their striking pink. The most similar plant with slightly different characteristics and less cold tolerance is Ctenanthe oppenheimiana, also known as the plant or giant Pampuranda, but it is much rarer than Triostar stromante. You can read -  How to get rid of rats in the garden 3 Causes of w...

5 Secrets of crop of beets

 Secrets of harvesting bumper crop of beets Before picking your best beet crop, it is a good idea to keep the following in mind. Gardening is unpredictable from season to season and from crop to crop. One year you were loaded with zucchini , but no tomatoes. Next year the buckets of tomatoes will be overflowing, but not the zucchini. Wait for a second, there is no season without zucchini, is there? You can never trust your favorite crops to grow uniformly every year. There are many factors out of your control: hail, drought, wind, heat, flood. The weather will happen. Then there are the almost indestructible beets. Planting the fruits and vegetables you really like to eat is always wise gardening advice - and some can be underestimated. For diversity, you can also pay a little attention to other crops to enhance their nutrient content. Beetroot is included - it ranks 4th on the list of the most nutritious vegetables you can grow in your garden. If you happen to like th...

Why is my garden dying

Top 4 causes and how to fix it Every year we as gardeners breathe the whole growing season. Seriously, we do. Think for a moment. We wait patiently for spring, fingers crossed, hoping our seeds will come. Did we plant them too soon? Are we too late? Do they get enough sunlight? Want to see it? Horticulture is a high-quality industry! Even waiting for good things keeps us on our toes. Is it a flower? Yes, pepper is coming! Green tomatoes! We will be eating salsa soon, dear. What are we going to do with all of this zucchini ? I can no longer see the kitchen counter! But the real suspense shows up in the form of garden problems. In the end, it is not uncommon to lose one plant here and there or the entire crop. 1. Excess water Yes, you may be wondering how often this is a problem. Excess water is often the culprit in the case of new gardeners. They break the pipe and water at the first sign of withering or yellowing leaves without first checking the soil moisture. In some case...

Destructive carrot pests

 Destructive carrot pests to look out for (& how to stop them) If you do not eat a carrot fresh from the garden, you do not know what you are missing! The sweetness and twist of a fresh carrot are unbeatable, and when they come in so many fun colors, it’s no surprise that this garden vegetable is a favorite. 4 ways to prevent carrot pests 1. Until autumn Many pests that attack carrots lay their eggs or remain dormant in the soil during the winter, then attack in the spring and summer. To avoid this, it may be helpful to spend some time cleaning your garden in the fall and removing them as often as you can. When it comes time to put the garden to bed, take the time to clean up all the spent plants in the garden and put them in the compost pile. Plow the soil and leave it open for local wildlife to eat insects and their eggs. Birds and small rodents will be happy to feast on, and they will help prevent insect problems in the spring. If you have chickens, ducks, or gui...

5 Tips For A Dazzling

 5 Tips For A Dazzling No Mow May To fully enjoy your growing lawn, it is beneficial to learn one or two things about re-widening your garden. You will find that not cutting is the first step to rewilding, which makes perfect sense. Because if nature leaves it to its own will, the first thing it does is cover the ground. You do not need to look at more than your own vegetable garden for the live experience, i.e. weeds. Read on to gather ideas on how to embrace No Mow May. Eventually, with the help of nature, you can inspire others to do the same as we grow a gigantic wildflower. 1. Let grass and other plants grow Unless you want to mow your lawn, stop trying to suppress it. It's time to show off the beauty of your lawn. A certain level of rebellion may be required here. But it is worth remembering that not all traditions are good in the long run. We need to open up new ideas and embrace change. Although it is fun to have a short lawn to play ball with, notice how much a...

What Bugs Attack Geraniums

 What pests attack garden plants and how to control them Geranium (Pelargonium x hortorum) is one of the most popular gardens and container plants in the United States today as an annual or perennial plant. Often, healthy geraniums are devoid of pests. Geranium BudWorms Four-Lined Plant Bugs Fall Cankerworms Cabbage Loopers Whiteflies Aphids Scale Slugs Snails In this article, we are going to share information that will help you identify these common geranium pests and protect them. How to protect your garden plant species against common garden pests When protecting your geranium plants from all kinds of pests, it is advisable to inspect the plants and leaves frequently. Better defense is a good offense, so be sure to inspect your plants regularly so that pests and diseases can be detected early. If you start treatment as soon as you find a problem, the chances of overcoming it are high. Once you have diagnosed your geranium pest problem, here are five basic treatment t...