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The best plants for attracting dragonflies

The best plants for attracting dragonflies and repelling mosquitoes

When it comes to beneficial insects, most of you will think of bees or butterflies first. Did you know that dragonflies are one of them? They are predatory, carnivorous insects that feed on a wide range of garden pests, including mosquitoes. Moreover, they have colorful bodies and dramatic aerobic movements that make them a beautiful addition to any garden. They are not only useful but also beautiful! So, if you plan for your garden, add some plants that attract dragonflies, which will transform your yard into a spectacular, mosquito-free area.

In today’s post, we’d like to share 15 of the best plants that attract dragonflies and repel mosquitoes that help you enjoy more time outdoors. These plants are very easy to grow and maintain. At the same time, they also show off colorful flowers that attract beautiful insects to brighten up your landscape. Grow some plants in the pond and surround the garden with blooming flowers from the selection below. Read on to find out more about them!

1 Giant Coneflower

The giant coneflower can reach up to 6 inches across, giving your yard a bold, stylized look. This plant likes to grow in places with a lot of sunlight. Dragonflies like to rest in centers, so you don’t have to worry about mosquitoes.

2 Joe-Pye Weed

Joe-bye house is a beautiful flower that easily brings more dragonflies into your yard. In mid-summer, the plants sprout large clusters of light purple flowers. This plant is a low-maintenance option and helps to grow in a place with plenty of drainages.

3 Meadow Sage

The prairie sage shows tall spikes of tall purple flowers above the bright green leaves and dragonflies like to hover nearby. In addition, the natural ingredients in meadow sages repel garden pests.

4 Cattail

If you have a large pond in the yard, you should grow shrubs as this plant is a great way to prevent mosquitoes and encourage dragonflies. Moreover, the plant is tall and lush, creating a beautiful border on the water's edge, while providing plenty of space for dragonflies to hide.

5 Sweet Coneflower

Sweet Cornflower is a wonderful flower that attracts dragonflies to enliven your garden in no time. The flowers have bright yellow petals that contrast beautifully with the dark centers, creating an eye-catching twist.

6 Borage

Borage produces stunning bright-blue flowers with sharp petals to attract dragonflies. Its stems are covered with a soft, feathery coating that attracts dragonflies. The leaves of this herb can be used to cook summer dishes.

7 Water Horsetail

Water Horsetail grows on tall, slender stems that look like small bamboo plants, which is a great way to attract the dragonflies that make up this plant to lay eggs.

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