amaryllis bloom twice a year
The only thing that is better than amaryllis blooming in winter is one that blooms in summer! Here's how it is done.
Let your amaryllis bloom
Amaryllis (Hippeastrum hybrids) have beautiful, exotic flowers that come in a variety of colors, and are often purchased and grown to flower during the holidays. But you don’t have to catch them once the holidays are over! If it's hard to say goodbye to your beautiful amaryllis flowers, follow our steps below. Let summer come and welcome you to another round of these flowering beauties.
Step 1: Encourage your amaryllis bulb to bloom
Start with the largest amaryllis lamp you can buy and select the container that is 1 ½ or 2 inches wider than the diameter of the lamp. Put the bulb in the All-Purpose Potting Mix and place the upper leg above the soil line. Then, maintain the bulb:
Pour water well and place on a sunny window. Once the bubble has turned green from the top, start watering each time the soil dries out (once a week depending on the conditions).
Fertilize with water-soluble plant food.
Over the next few weeks, several stems emerge and eventually form buds and flowers. Once the amaryllis flowers are open, move the plant away from direct light so that the color does not fade. Remove spent flowers as needed.
Step 2: Let the amaryllis bulb remain dormant
When the flowers are finished, cut the stems of the spent flower near the base. Let the foliage grow for two months and continue the watering and fertilizing schedule so that the bulb can save energy for re-flowering. Then it is time to turn the bulb off
Stop pouring water and move your amaryllis to a cool, dark place - 40 to 45 degrees F. You may want to place the pot on the edge, so you do not water carelessly.
Let the bulb stay like this for eight to 10 weeks. Now do not worry about removing any leaves.
Step 3: Prepare the amaryllis bulb to bloom again
After a rest period of eight to 10 weeks, bring your amaryllis back out and begin the whole process.
Pull out the dead leaves, then water the amaryllis. To re-hydrate the dry soil you need to set the pot in a pot of water.
Put it back in a sunny window and start watering and fertilizing regularly when the green growth emerges.
In a few weeks, you can expect another round of blooms!
How Long Will My Amaryllis Bulb Last?
Pushing amaryllis back into the flower will take its toll. And your bulb gets smaller every time, and after two years you end up with a paper husk that you throw away. But by following these steps, you can get many flowers from one bulb in a year or two. And who doesn’t like it?