4 keys to effective aphid management in leafy greens In order for vegetable growers to successfully compete in the new market, they need to produce high-quality, pest-free crops. This is especially challenging for leafy growers, where the damage caused by aphids can drastically reduce yield and quality. In many areas where lettuce is produced, aphids are an economically important pest found in the crop. Types of aphids Many aphid species infect and damage leafy vegetables. Among them, the green peach aphid, Mycelium persica, is generally the most notable because of its wide host range, the tendency to pesticide resistance, and the tendency to infect plants rapidly. Other species such as the foxglove aphid, the algae Solani, and the lettuce aphid, Nasonovia ribisnigiri are important aphid pests of lettuce in the western United States. Due to their small size and high reproductive capacity, aphids are often undetected until they grow to the point of damage. Related Links...
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