Most destructive disease vegetables and fruit Rot
This rot disease is the main problem we face whether it is a vegetable garden or an orchard. This rot disease is caused by a variety of causes such as malnutrition, bacteria, nematode, fungus, and high levels of water. Generally, this rotting disease can be divided into fruit rot, stem rot, and root rot disease. This disease
The disease almost kills the rot and infects vegetable and fruit plants. We will see in this article how to control these rot diseases.
Bacterial soft rot
The disease, which is caused by bacteria, infects plants that can be found all over the world. The disease can affect any part of a plant, for example, fruits, tubers, stems, and bulbs of plants in almost every plant family. Symptoms of the disease, the affected areas are a small pit that is brittle. The color will change in that area and it will turn black as it is.
How to control
The disease is transmitted from one plant to another by pests so controlling the pests can reduce the impact of this disease. Keep the tools you use in your home garden clean. Rotten fruits and plants should be discarded.
Give the right amount of water in the home garden and leave the right amount of space. Beetroot - vegetables - Photo It gives good results.
These resistant varieties can be cultivated. Spray with neem oil solution once in 10 days and garlic solution once in 14 days
blossom end rot Tomato
This blossom end rot comes with very low calcium or calcium becomes unavailable to growing fruit. Hence, there has to be sufficient calcium in the soil, and the soil has to be moist so the calcium can stay in the solution. The roots absorb the dissolved calcium, and the process of transpiration carries the solution throughout the plant.
However, since the bottom of the fruit is the last stop on the line, this is where calcium deficiency shows up. The rapidly growing cells in the fruit can’t maintain their structure, so the cells collapse, and rot sets in.
In the photo, this is the only fruit on the plant (‘Black Prince’) that had blossom end rot. And right now there are probably 35–40 fruits growing. This tomato was wedged between the stake and the main stem (indentation on the right side of the tomato), so the delivery of water and nutrients was interrupted, resulting in BER. And the pot might have run a bit dry once or twice
Some varieties of tomatoes are more susceptible to BER. When I worked at the garden center, ‘Red Pear Piriform’ almost always had it.
There are 2 fertilizers I use on a regular basis: Espoma’s organic Tomato-tone and Jack’s Tomato Feed. Tomato-tone has a lot of calcium, so I use this one as soon as the fruits start forming. Tomato Feed is a balanced fertilizer that also has micronutrients, so this one was applied first and will be used sporadically through the summer. Because this plant has grown huge in its 20 ″ pot, watering is a daily chore.
Eggshells might work overtime, but they are slow to break down in the soil. Also check the pH of the soil, which should be 6.0 to 6.8. Find out from the agricultural extension service in your area how to do a soil test. Lime is used to raise the pH, but if the pH is already in a good range, use gypsum for extra calcium. Both lime and gypsum take some time before they become available, so think about adding them a few weeks or months before tomatoes go into the ground.
When you water tomatoes, water deeply but infrequently… not a little bit every day. Once a week is enough for the cherry tomato plant in the garden. Most soils will need 1 1/2 ″ of water per week. It helps to mulch the soil.
And grow tomatoes where air circulates freely. If the plant doesn’t transpire rapidly enough, BER can happen. This occurs in hot humid weather, when stoma (or stomates, the pores in the surface of the leaf) close up, and also when tomatoes are planted in close quarters, such as in corners or against buildings.
By the way, remove those fruits with BER because the spot will expand. If there are any good ripe parts, they are edible. But it is not a disease, so it doesn’t spread from fruit to fruit.
Add some calcium-rich fertilizer today and water heavily, and the problem will probably be corrected. Don’t forget to reapply every 3 or 4 weeks.
Peoples Garden
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