Making Home compost
Around the world, 70 to 80 percent of people eat a lot of chemical sprayed foods. For the past ten years, people have become more aware of the dangers of eating chemical-laced poisonous foods and have begun to eat more naturally occurring vegetables. Many people have started to produce natural fruits and vegetables in their home gardens. Natural fertilizer is very important to start a natural garden like this. We can make this fertilizer in many ways by keeping the waste products we have at home. We will look at those types in this article
Closed bins keep compost neat and tidy
Cities can use this bin type in big cities. This bin is available in a variety of formats and is great for cold composting. Hot composting is not possible. Prices range from $ 50 to $ 250. You can also make compost by putting it in a small place. if see cons This method Harder to harvest materials and Turning is difficult and can produce only a small amount of compost
Pit composting suits no-fuss gardeners
If there is space in the back of your house, make small holes or trenches in it and pour Kitchen Waste from your house in it and keep it covered when it is full. This compost can take 6 to 1 year to form. If there are weeds in the pit they can be removed as they will block the sunlight and delay the decomposed. It will not cost us much for this method. Can produce more compost.
Open bins make hot composting simple
This is the best way to make natural fertilizer for your home. We can easily make it with wood. Compost can be prepared both hot and cold. The vegetables we pour will decompose faster. We can produce more. The main thing to consider is the cost to build it. This too can be used for many years once the initial cost is done approximately 12 feet long and 4 feet wide with each compartment being 4 feet square. It can run between $ 500 and $ 2,000 to construct
Tumblers ease the burden of turning
This method can be used to make cold compost. they’re also good for urban and small suburban areas. Prices range from $ 50 to $ 225. Less compost is available. Waste decomposers can be sprayed for composting as there is no soil contact and microbes are less in this method.
People's Garden