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insect trap for agriculture


These insect traps play an important role in controlling pests, worms, etc. in natural agriculture, and if handled in a timely manner in our field can control 60 percent of the impact on crops. There are two methods of attracting pests without destroying or attacking the crops. The next step is to trap and kill the insects by trapping them. In this article we will look at what types of traps are available to control pests

These traps can be divided into four types

1) Traps we make ourselves

2) insect traps sticky

3) Glamor traps

4) Lighting traps

1) Traps we make ourselves

Traditional methods of controlling some pests include the rhinoceros trap trap, the fruit fly trap, which kills fruit flies that attack fruits and vegetables.

2) insect traps sticky

The Syriac type plays a major role in attracting and eradicating those pests. These insect traps sticky are usually available in two colors. Yellow card. This large yellow sheet will control the rugose pests that attack the coconut. Next to the blue insect traps sticky insects, after the yellow color, the blue color is more attractive, which also attracts the above mentioned insects.

3) Insect phermone traps

These types of traps are the major pest control in natural agriculture. Female Insects Can Attract Male Insects Using Fluid Fluid to Attract Male Insects Each insect has its own fluid. For example in the rhinoceros beetle the male insect can destroy the beetle by keeping them secreting different fluids. These fluids can be purchased at markets or online

There are many types of these Insect phermone traps

Bucket type trap

These traps are used to control the rhinoceros and the red coon beetle.

Funnel shaped  phermone traps

These traps are used to control pests and worms that attack vegetable crops. 4 to 6 per acre. Keep it at a height of one foot from your crops when planting

Vase type  phermone traps

These traps are often used in orchards. Apart from guava, papaya and mango, these traps are also used for vegetable crops. These traps control fruit flies in particular.

4) Lighting traps

These types of traps can be turned off. Crops can be used for all types of horticultural crops. Flying insects, especially pests, fly more often in the evening. Solar type traps are a little expensive but will give good results for at least 6 or 7 years. To control pests, it should be lit only from 6 pm to 9.30 pm. If it is more than that, the beneficial insects will also be affected.

People' Garden

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